Our company...
MEYPA Wholesale Food is a domestic capital company established in 2014. MEYPA supplies apricot, grape, apple, peach, pomegranate, strawberry and citrus products as fresh fruit to fruit juice factories.
Our quality policy...
Within the framework of our quality policy; is an organization that has undertaken the mission of leadership and leadership in the sector without compromising on food safety and quality, maintains its financial strength and reliability, adds value to its values ​​without disturbing the relationship of trust and prestige with our valuable villages where we buy products, our employees and the employees of the factories where we market the product.
From manufacturer to factory...
Our products, which we supply from our farmer, who is our producer and who we see as the master of the nation, are collected daily and shipped to the factories without waiting.

Our company...

MEYPA Wholesale Food is a domestic capital company established in 2014. MEYPA supplies apricot, grape, apple, peach, pomegranate, strawberry and citrus products as fresh fruit to fruit juice factories.
